Thursday, July 10, 2008

Top 5 Plants Effective in Removing Indoor Pollution

Research done by former NASA scientist Bill Wolverton, Ph.D found that following five species were very efficient in filtering formaldehyde, benzene, xylene, and carbon monoxide.

- Boston Fern mainly removes formaldehyde and xylene. Put them in a room with new furniture or carpeting.
- English Ivy mainly removes benzene, but also formaldehyde and xylene. They are especially effective in a room that has been freshly painted or carpeted, or a room that contains plastic equipment or furnishings (computers, printers fax machines) or ink.
- Areca Palm mainly removes xylene, and also formaldehyde. Is especially useful in carpeted rooms or areas with freshly varnished furniture.
- Spider Plant mainly removes carbon monoxide, and also xylene and formaldehyde. They are useful in kitchens with gas stoves or in rooms with fireplaces where carbon monoxide may accumulate
- Janet Craig/Striped Dracaena mainly removes formaldehyde, and xylene. For use in newly carpeted or newly furnished homes.

The Foliage for Clean Air Council recommends a minimum of two plants per 100 square feel of floor space.
Now that is a great way to deal with indoor pollution!
Taken from an article written by Tina Spangler, published in Natural Health in January/February 1995

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